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Best Time to Visit Kashmir

Best Time to Visit Kashmir

If Kashmir is often called ‘heaven on earth’, you have Mughal emperor Jahangir to thank for this observation. Best time to visit Kashmir is during the months of March to August. Tourists come to Kashmir valley so they too can witness this ‘heaven on earth’ and enjoy all that it offers. During this period two seasons are covered in Kashmir. Spring (March to early May) and Summer (early May to late August). The blossoms of spring and the cool weather of summer creates the perfect season to visit Kashmir during this time. The beauty is enough to transport you to another realm altogether. Kashmir’s beauty is indeed quite bewitching, and you will want to start making plans for the next trip right away.

Kashmir, known for its breathtaking landscapes and diverse seasonal experiences, offers travelers a unique destination year-round. Whether you seek the tranquility of snow-covered vistas, the vibrant hues of tulip gardens, or the fragrant saffron fields, Kashmir has something to offer in every season.

However, determining the best time to visit this picturesque region can be a task in itself. With each season painting a different picture of Kashmir’s beauty, the question remains – when is the ideal time to witness Kashmir in its full glory?

Kashmir is well and truly a year round destination if you’re waiting for the best time to visit Jammu and Kashmir. All seasons, be it summer or winter in Kashmir, have their allure that beckons travellers from all over India and abroad. So, never mind when to visit Kashmir and just pack your bags and get up here.

Tourists come to Kashmir valley so they too can witness this ‘heaven on earth’ and enjoy all that it offers. The resplendent Mughal Gardens see tourists walking through the gently perfumed rows of flowers, while the elegant shikharas can be seen on Dal Lake as they skim the surface of the pretty Dal Lake with its backdrop of mountains. The beauty is enough to transport you to another realm altogether. Kashmir’s beauty is indeed quite bewitching, and you will want to start making plans for the next trip right away. Kashmir is also one of the few places in India that experiences four seasons – summer, monsoon, autumn and winter.


When To Visit Kashmir


Kashmir has a peak season and an off-season that impacts hotel and flight rates. For those seeking an ideal blend of pleasant weather and picturesque landscapes, the months from March to August are the best time to visit Kashmir. But in case you want to experience snowfall and witness Kashmir draped in a pristine white blanket, November to December would be the right time to visit Kashmir.

If you want to enjoy Kashmir when the flowers are in full bloom and the alpine meadows are at their greenest, try visiting between March and October. Having said that, it can get a bit crowded during these months, considering it is the peak tourist season. Kashmir experiences four major seasons, and the months of March to October cover spring, summer, and autumn.

Best Month to Visit Kashmir

The timeless beauty of Kashmir ensures that every season has its charm, making any time a good time to visit this destination. 
The region changes with every season. Any time you visit will be a unique and memorable experience; the place is snow-covered heaven in winters, transforming into a vibrant paradise in the summer months. One visit to Kashmir is never really enough and every season is an opportunity to discover something unique and explore different locations. Kashmir’s beauty and diverse topography can make any season the best season to visit Kashmir.

Here’s a breakup of the experiences you will have in Kashmir during different seasons and places that you can visit in these seasons to plan your vacation accordingly. 

best time to visit kashmir for snowfall

If you are visiting Kashmir to enjoy the snowfall, then the winter season is best time to visit Kashmir. From November there is high chances of snowfall in the upper reaches of valley. But the time from December to January is the best time to visit Kashmir for snowfall.

Best time to visit kashmir tulip garden

The best time to visit the Tulip Garden in Srinagar is during the month of April preferably in first week. This is when the tulips are in full bloom and the annual Tulip Festival is held. The tulips do not survive for more than 20 days. 

best time to visit saffron fields in kashmir


In late October to early November, Kashmir experiences the saffron harvesting season, which is the best time to visit for the saffron harvest. Saffron flowers produce purple carpets that are a delight to witness during this season. The temperature for the saffron crop to bloom adequately must be mild during these months.

Climate in Kashmir

Summer Season in Kashmir

Summer, June through August, is a season of joy and it draws in a constant flood of tourists of all kinds into the Kashmir Valley. Although hotel rates are higher and solitude is hard to come by in Srinagar, but a shikara ride or a nightstay in houseboat on Dal Lake makes it all worthwhile. Summer is also when most locals indulge in many festivities such as Ramzan and weddings. Whether you’re on honeymoon to enjoy time around Dal Lake or an adventurer planning your next trek in the mighty Pir Panjal range, summer is the best season to visit Kashmir Valley. Jammu in summer experiences heat waves as bad as in Chandigarh or Delhi. Summer is also the time when pilgrims go to Vaishno Devi in Jammu or Amarnath Yatra in Kashmir. 

Monsoon Season in Kashmir

Monsoons, between September and November, is also a good time to explore the Valley as summer crowds have thinned out by this time and best deals on hotels and packages are on offer. The Monsoon season is an off-season in Kashmir Valley however, don’t let it discourage your plans. Apple picking is the most rewarding activity to do while you’re in Kashmir during the rains.

Winter Season in Kashmir

Winter in Kashmir lasts usually between December and February. Some places in the Kashmir Valley in Winter witness a lot of snowfall while Jammu in winter has milder winter temperatures. Entire snow-clad Pir Panjal range makes winter the best time to visit Kashmir for a honeymoon. Thousands of tourists come here to enjoy snowfall in Gulmarg, Sonamarg, and Srinagar. Patnitop in Jammu is another popular hill station where newlyweds and families love to retreat.

Seasons of Kashmir

There are four seasons in Kashmir.

These are Spring season: (March – April). Best time to visit Mughal gardens

Summer season: (May- August). Best time to visit popular destinations.

Autumn season (August – November). Best time to visit Naseem bagh in Srinagar.

Winter season (December – February). Best time to visit Gulmarg

Kashmir In Summer (March To May)


Temperature: In the summer, temperatures in Kashmir are moderate, typically ranging between 9 to 15°C for lower temperatures and not exceeding 30 to 31°C for higher temperatures.

Weather: Summer weather in Kashmir leans towards warmth, prompting locals to employ ceiling fans. While days are comfortably warm, the nights retain a notable chill.

Significance: Kashmir remains the dream of many newly married couples as the ultimate honeymoon destination, and why not? The weather is nearly perfect and a shikhara ride on the glassy surface of the Dal Lake is every romantic’s dream come true. If you can make it, try going on a shikhara ride early in the day during the morning prayers. The shikharas serve as markets in the morning and the scene is surreal and beautiful. Kashmir during the summers is also a great chance to observe the way of life of the people in the valley. Some people like to stay in the houseboats that are stationed on the lake and its overall a delightful experience.

Why You Should Visit Now: Summer in Kashmir offers thrilling sights of blooming flowers in Mughal Gardens and serves as a destination for pilgrims undertaking the Amarnath Yatra. Pahalgam and Sonamarg showcase their stunning beauty during this season, making it the prime time to visit Kashmir. Clear and gorgeous weather attracts many for summer vacations, though Jammu is best avoided due to its higher temperatures.

Things to Know Before the Visit: As summer is the peak season, anticipate higher prices for hotels and services. Flight tickets, taxis, autos, and shikhara boat rides all witness increased costs. Booking in advance can help mitigate these challenges.


  1. Be Weather-Ready: While days are warm, evenings and nights can turn cold, so packing warm clothes like shawls, jackets, mittens, and socks is advisable.

  2. Sun Protection: Apply sunscreen and lip balm during the day to prevent dry skin from becoming uncomfortable.

  3. Culinary Experience: Don’t miss the authentic Kashmiri wazwan dining experience, adding a flavorful dimension to your visit.

Kashmir In Monsoon (June To September)


Temperature: During the monsoon season, temperatures in Kashmir vary from lows of 15°C to highs of 30°C.

Weather: Monsoon rains bring relief from the summer heat, particularly in places like Jammu. Jammu experiences significant rainfall, becoming humid, while Srinagar maintains a comfortably cool ambiance. However, rainfall distribution across Kashmir is uneven, resulting in varying weather conditions in different parts of the region.

Significance: Although monsoons are considered as an off season or shoulder season in Kashmir, visiting here during the monsoons can be an experience in itself. The warm sunny days of summer are just behind us and the clouds cover the sky often, resulting in showers that cool the earth. The weather is pleasant and comfortable and nearly perfect in many aspects.

Why You Should Visit Now: Taking advantage of the off-season status, visiting Kashmir during monsoons can yield budget-friendly deals on hotels and package tours. Flight tickets are reasonably priced during this period. Additionally, monsoon is the time for apple-picking, providing a fortunate opportunity for those eager to participate in this activity.

Things to Know Before the Visit: While some may hesitate to visit Kashmir during the monsoon due to potential disruptions in sightseeing plans, it’s advisable to check weather forecasts. Not all areas experience heavy rainfall, offering the chance to enjoy the sights without facing significant tourist crowds.


  1. Temperature Consideration: Although not as cold as winter, monsoon nights can be chilly, so be prepared with appropriate clothing.

  2. Rain Gear: Given the increased humidity and rainfall, pack raincoats, jackets, and sturdy boots to ensure a comfortable experience during your visit to Kashmir in the monsoon.

Kashmir During Winter (November To February)


Temperature: From November to February, anticipate low temperatures ranging from 0°C to sub-zero. High temperatures seldom exceed 15°C.

Weather: The climate is notably colder during this period, often dipping below zero. Nights can be extremely chilly, witnessing snowfall in Srinagar, Gulmarg, and Sonmarg. For those enchanted by the idea of a winter wonderland, Kashmir during winter offers an exhilarating experience. Jammu, being relatively warmer than Srinagar, serves as the winter capital.

Significance: Although winter is not the preferred time to visit Kashmir for many people as the cold acts as a deterrent, this is the perfect time for winter sports. With snow all around you, it often looks like a sea of white and places like Gulmarg can look quite enchanting. If you love cold weather and enjoy playing in the snow, then this is definitely the best time to visit Kashmir.Make sure that you also know How to reach Kashmir in the most convenient manner.

Why you should visit now: Srinagar, though colder than Jammu, continues to attract visitors. December and January may pose challenges for non-locals due to extreme cold, but Kashmir in December epitomizes a dreamlike ambiance. The Pir-Panjal range is adorned with snow, creating a captivating panorama. Winter also marks the initiation of winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding, along with breathtaking cable car rides. The pristine white landscape in Gulmarg is a delight for snow enthusiasts.

Things to know before the visit: Activities like shikara rides on Dal Lake and visits to the Mughal Gardens, feasible during other seasons, may not be practical in winter. However, winter visits are perfect for winter sports and avid trekkers. As winter is a popular time to visit Kashmir, be prepared for higher hotel prices and flight tickets. Booking a package tour in advance ensures competitive rates.

Tips: Winter in Kashmir, especially outside Jammu, can be intensely cold. Packing warm clothes is essential, including sweaters, jackets, warm socks, mufflers, mittens, and thermal underwear to endure the cold. Dehydration is common in winter, so ensure you stay hydrated with warm water or kahwa to keep your body functioning optimally.

Kashmir in Autumn (October To November)


Temperature: During the brief autumn period in Kashmir, temperatures fluctuate between lows of 9°C and highs of at least 20°C.

Weather: The weather during this season carries a nip in the air as winter approaches. However, it can be characterized as cool rather than extremely cold. Evening and night temperatures may drop to 0°C, providing a chilly experience for those accustomed to warmer climates. Mornings often embrace mistiness, yet the autumn sun brings a refreshing and comfortably warm ambiance.

Significance: Kashmir’s beauty during autumn is simply breathtaking during this time. The leaves on the famed chinar trees turn copper and gold and as far as you can see, lined along avenues, you will find trees flush with red-gold-yellow leaves and the ground is often carpeted with them. The vision is absolutely spectacular and unforgettable.

Why you should visit now: Srinagar and nearby Dachigam transform into picturesque landscapes during autumn, with trees showcasing golden hues. The weather, being pleasantly cool but not excessively cold, makes this season a favored time to explore Kashmir. Additionally, activities like apple-picking and other harvest celebrations add to the magnificence of Kashmir during autumn, featuring a palette of rich colors.

Things to know before the visit: Given its proximity to winter, some may avoid visiting Kashmir during this time, assuming it would be too cold. Familiarize yourself with activities to do in Kashmir before your visit. As it is the shoulder season, you might secure favorable deals on hotel bookings and flights.

Tips: If you plan a visit to Kashmir in autumn, inquire about any ongoing apple-picking activities nearby, if permitted. Despite being relatively normal for locals, the weather might feel cold, so pack accordingly, as if preparing for winter. Occasionally, snowfall can occur during this season, so it’s wise to be prepared for unexpected weather changes.

Whether you’ve chosen autumn as the ideal time to visit Kashmir, don’t overlook the enticing Kashmir Tour Packages offered by Kashmir Trip Packages. Awaiting you are the breathtaking views of snow-capped mountains and a myriad of unforgettable Kashmiri experiences.

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